About the Review Board

Who We Are

The Health Professions Review Board is a neutral body that is independent from the health professions colleges, government, and courts. The Health Professions Act gives the review board its powers and duties, which are to:

  • review how a health profession college’s inquiry committee disposed of a complaint against a registrant
  • review certain decisions of a health profession college’s registration committee
  • review complaint investigations that take longer than legislated timelines
  • provide guidelines and recommendations to health profession colleges on registration, inquiry and discipline procedures that are transparent, objective, impartial and fair

Our Values

  • independent, transparent, and respectful review of health professions colleges’ decisions
  • early resolution processes to resolve issues under review
  • continuous improvement in health professions regulation
  • commitment to improving access to justice in British Columbia in keeping with the Access to Justice Triple Aim.

Our Chair

The Chair of the review board is Mr. David Hobbs.  As a founding member of the review board, Mr. Hobbs has been a member since 2009, and has served as the Chair since 2018. Mr. Hobbs is a Founding Partner of the law firm of Hobbs Giroday and previously Hobbs & Leigh. In the past, he served as a Director and Chair with the North Vancouver Recreation Commission and as a Director with the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Hobbs is also a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Arbitrators. Mr. Hobbs holds his Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Honours) and his Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia.

Our Team

The Board is made up of part-time members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. Members cannot be registrants of a college, members of a body in another jurisdiction that regulates a health profession, or employees or agents of the government of BC or another province or jurisdiction. Biographies of current members can be found on the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office website.

Appointment and Remunerations Fiscal 2023/24

The Review Board office has a staff of six, who provide support and service to Board members and the public.

Annual Report

The Review Board publishes an Annual Report which is submitted to the Minister of Health Services as required by the Health Professions Act.

Career and Appointment Opportunities

The review board is made up of part-time board members. We value diversity and equality in our appointments.  If you have any questions, please contact the Executive Director at hprbinfo@gov.bc.ca.